Friday, October 31, 2014

Whose child is this?

I received a call from an old friend and he shared a story which gave me goosebumps... 

He's a volunteer marriage counsellor and one of the couples that had signed up had some issues moving forward...the lady was rather reluctant to accept the marriage proposal as she has a 10 year old son from a previous marriage and the boyfriend did not want that child.

My friend tried talking to the gentleman but he was rather adamant. Then one day in the shower, my friend heard from God:

"That 10 year old boy is my child. Tell the man that it is an honor and privilege for him to take care of my son and I am extending this offer to him. But he can choose to say 'no'."

He called the guy immediately and arranged a meeting and released the word. The man broke down and was convicted...

and now, he's married to the mom and loves the boy very much too.... 

again, I'm reminded of the principle...."Truly, whatever you do to the least and the lowliest, you did it to Me..."